homework problems

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many people have problems doing homework or taking tests and my advice is DOODLE 

not like the picture above because doodling should Never get in the way of your school work but enough to help you workImage result for homework with doodles

take this person they got the best grade possibly and probably with the help of doodling.

you don’t Just doodle its something you have to work hard to achieve the skill of doodling. so if you work hard you can achieve anything




perspectives of the doodle

Image result for doodling

I found this article and it focuses on what your doodles show about you


We tend to doodle when we are bored or stressed,’ says Ruth Rostron, professional handwriting analyst and vice-chair of the British Institute of Graphologists.

‘Because of this, we’re usually only  half-conscious of what we’re drawing — which means our inner preoccupations surface on paper.

Many of us end up drawing the same things. Stars, flowers, boxes and arrows frequently crop up — common symbols of aspirations and feelings.

According to Rostron, you should also look at how a doodle is drawn to find out its true meaning.

Emotional people who want harmony and crave affection tend to use rounded shapes and curved lines. Down-to-earth, practical types tend to use straight lines and  squares. Determined people will use corners, zigzags and triangles, while more hesitant types use light, sketchy strokes.

‘A large doodle shows a person is confident and outgoing, while a small one suggests the person prefers to observe rather than participate.’


The expression on a doodled face is often a good indication of the mood or character of the person who has drawn it. A nicely drawn, good-looking face suggests you see the good in others. If you sketch weird or ugly faces, you are probably mistrustful.

Comic faces demonstrate a desire to be the center of attention. Child-like doodles of faces suggest neediness. Profiles indicate you’re an introvert.


The black and white checkerboard doodle suggests patience and persistence. Perhaps you are weighing-up various options regarding a tricky situation?

It’s also the favorite doodle of people who are prone to mood swings.


Soft, rounded petals around a circular flower center suggest an amiable, family-centric person.

If the center of your flower is a circle, but your petals are pointy, you are probably hiding a warm heart behind a prickly defensiveness.

If you doodle a bunch of perky-looking flowers you are likely to be sociable. Drooping flower heads, on the other hand, indicate you’re burdened by worry.


and romantic, fluttering butterflies, birds and bees suggest you don’t want to be tied down — or landed with difficult tasks or problems.


Obviously a romantic doodle.  Drawing a heart indicates you’re in love with love.

intricate patterns

Busy, highly-detailed doodles are often drawn by people with an obsessive nature, who simply will not let go of their ambitions or loved ones. This type of drawing is often a favorite with extreme introverts.

stairs or ladders

Symbols of ambition and a willingness to work your way methodically ‘up the ladder’ in life, drawings of stairs and ladders also often indicate you have an important, long-term task in hand. They can represent a spiritual quest, too, perhaps a desire to be happier or more relaxed.


A determined person with a specific goal in mind will draw arrows, subconsciously ‘aiming’ at his or her ‘target’.

If the arrow is sharp and angular, the target probably is something important — perhaps a person who needs to be confronted or a job that needs to be applied for.

If it is more fluid — and decorated — it’s likely to be the target is an affair of the heart or something the doodler feels passionate about.

boats and planes

Doodling any form of transport often indicates a desire to escape from a situation.


This common doodle indicates a need for security. A neat drawing of a house suggests a secure home life, a more messy-looking sketch (especially one without windows) indicates unhappiness with your home life.

A house pictured on its own on top  of a hill suggests you’re feeling isolated and lonely.

spider web

This can symbolise a feeling  of being trapped — or the  desire to entice someone into  a particular relationship or situation.

names or initials

Doodling your name or initials is common for those who enjoy being the centre of attention. Teenagers often doodle just their first name or the initial of their Christian name, indicating a desire to break away from the family and do their own thing.

Doodling someone else’s name, on the other hand, shows they are in your thoughts — perhaps romantically or because they are a presenting a problem you need to deal with.


Stars are often drawn by ambitious people. Lots of little stars indicate optimism. If you’ve drawn one big, bold, embellished star, you’ve got a definite goal in your sights.

Neat, uniform stars suggest good mental focus, while freehand, asymmetric stars show an energetic personality.

squares or boxes

Drawing a square indicates you want control of a situation — that you are thinking through a problem.

If your squares progress to a cube or box, you’re likely to be a very efficient, analytical person who can deal with difficult situations with  little fuss.


Just as patterns made up of soft, flowing, curvy lines suggest a romantic, female approach to things, patterns made up of lots of straight lines, indicate more aggressive masculine characteristics.

Zigzags are a particularly common doodle and show energetic thinking and a desire to get on with things.

stick figures

Commonly doodled by highly successful people, the simple stick figure reveals someone who is in control of  their emotions and incredibly focused on their goals in life.


♥-eva-♥                                                                                                                                                                                      2/21/18

Focus Tips

Today I want to answer my question of how can doodling help you focus.

the info i have below has been found on huffpost.com & psychology today


i have found that people who doodle while taking a call recall 29% more info AND a study was conducted on doodling and the results showed that what you doodle reflects your unique personality! say if you draw a flower it would show that you are a peaceful person and like to hang out with friends. and different drawings would show different things.

To help you focus you shouldn’t be thinking about the doodles your drawing just drawing them without meaning and instead listening or thinking about the task at hand.

♥–eva–♥                   2/19/2018

calming the nerves

I have found an easy way to help people calm there nerves. dealing with stress and anger          is NEVER fun. doodling relieves stress by people just drawing, the lines and geometric patterns will calm you.

one thing i have found is people are calmed by relaxing picture and drawingstock-vector-black-and-white-flower-pattern-for-coloring-doodle-floral-drawing-art-therapy-coloring-page-510693037.jpg (450×330)like this one the pattern is so perfect that there is nothing not to love about this drawing

I have chose to write more questions about doodling which include

-what is the difference between doodling and drawing?                                                              -who are some different skilled doodlers?                                                                                       -what different classes are there for doodling?

those are some of my new questions on doodling

stay creative

♥-Eva-♥                  1/23/18

Amazing designs

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Designs like this take up a lot of time and effort but it pays off. This piece looks amazing. My question I am asking today is how can I get more people into the art of doodling?            the reason I would like to answer this question is…  doodling helps you focus more easily and I would like to tell people who struggle to sit still or focus, there’s a solution!

                The answer

I found a easy way to let people know about doodling by putting up posters to show people how cool it is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Imagination                                                                  I was thinking about if I started a doodling club. Once a week you could come in and free draw, play games, or do little contests between you and your friends where you vote on who’s doodles you like best. It would be nice to display the doodles in our school hallways.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       but that’s just a thought

♥–Eva–♥  1/10/18drawn-cute-smiley-face-10.gif (3000×2000)

-doodling days-

my topic Doodling has been an easier topic than some,                                                               i have also found many facts that have to do with doodling that includes “you can recall 29% more info on the phone while doodling instead of just taking notes.” What surprises me is that a  lot of people end up doodling little characters like the simpsons, family guy, futurama, or  south park characters.

Some new questions i have include                                                                                                    –   how does doodling calm the nerves                                                                                              –  how can i help more people get into the art of doodling                                                            – how does doodling help people take tests